The tender of the general construction equipment for 2016 by CREC was held on December 16th, 2015 at the Beijing head quarter of CREC.The tender covers 30 different kinds of machinery of 7 types with over more than 300 companies participating.
LANTYPC actively got involved and successfully became one of the selected suppliers.
As well known, CREC is the largest multi-facet construction giant in China and Asia. Ranked #71 in the world fortune 500 companies, CREC is also one of the flagship enterprises of the "One belt One road”strategic policy executors. As LANTYPC becomes one of the selected suppliers of CREC for both domestic and overseas markets, it represents LANTYPC’s active involvement in the Great National strategic movement of the "One belt One road” policy. It shows LANTYPC’s determinations and is a milestone achievement for LANTYPC .